An internet hacking group is claiming to have stolen a wealth of emails and credit-card information about clients of US-based security company Stratfor.
The group, Anonymous, says the company's clients include the US defence department, army, air force, law enforcement agencies, top security contractors and technology firms such as Apple and Microsoft.
The activists say they were able to obtain the information because the company did not encrypt it.
In an email to its members, Stratfor said it was suspending its email and servers, and was working closely with law enforcement to identify those responsible.
It also said the disclosure was "merely a list of some of the members that have purchased our publications and does not comprise a list of individuals or entities that have a relationship with Stratfor".
Anonymous has been involved in scores of hacking exploits, including the recent defacing of a website of Syria's Ministry of Defence to protest against a bloody crackdown on anti-government protesters. Last year, it launched retaliatory attacks on companies perceived to be enemies of the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks.
Hacking Group hit US security firm Stratfor
Origins of Computer Viruses and Protecting your PC from them
Here's an interesting read on Electric ego about history of computer viruses and some tips to protect your computer from being infected from them. Computer viruses as we are all aware notorious for giving your a headache. They have the magical powers to snatch your peace of mind and hamper your productivity! After all, they attack where it hurts most.
Turning on your computer to discover that it has been infected with a virus can be just as frustrating and upsetting as waking up to the realization that you've become really sick overnight. Computer viruses operate in much the same way as a biological virus in that they thrive on being passed from computer to computer. In other words, if you have an infected computer you're likely to pass on that infection to all of your friends' computers in the same way that you'd also pass the common cold onto them. Unlike a biological virus, however, your computer can infect the computer of a friend who isn't even in the same country as you. Virus protection software is getting more advanced each day but it is still important for users to take precautions, especially with their e-mails.
Computer viruses trace their origins back to the end of the 1980s. At that time, home computers were starting to become very popular and it was common to see them in businesses and on college campuses. During these early days of home computing the computers were manufactured and shipped in the most bare bones way possible; operating systems didn't even come pre-loaded and were instead accessed by utilizing a boot up floppy disc. Although the majority of today's younger generation wouldn't even be able to recognize a floppy disc, there was a time period during which they were the most important aspect of everyone's home computer system; both the operating systems and the programs that were developed, many of which were the precursors to today's modern PC games, were very small and a large amount of them could be stored on a single floppy disc.
The fact that new data could easily be written to floppy discs opened the door for programmers who had the desire to unleash chaos; they simply created a virus script and then hid it on a floppy disc before passing that disc on to someone else. It was common practice for discs to be passed around and copied which allowed the viruses to spread quickly. As is the nature of a virus, most people had no idea that they had obtained one until it was far too late to stop the damage. Early usage of the internet consisted primarily of bulletin boards. They provided users all over the world with access to a multitude of different programs and were seen by many as one of the best aspects of home computers.
Read more here:-
Interesting Read: Most famous computer viruses and worms ever
Computer virus protection tips: Tips to fight off viruses
Social Networking danger signs to your Internet Security this Holiday Season
Holiday season is the season for sharing, but when it comes to social networking, some people may share too much about their whereabouts and the gifts they’ll give.
Facebook and Twitter are increasingly becoming a standard part of our everyday lives, but Internet safety experts say some people put too much information in cyberspace. Cyber criminals are always on the watch for people sharing too much information in their profiles. This holiday season also, they're looking for ways to compromise your internet security.
Long Island resident Howard Bernstein, for example, told Carlin he checks Facebook more often this time of year, happy to see festive photos and what his friends are up to.
“Cyber-savvy criminals are very savvy during Christmas time, and they’re looking for things like that,” said Hemanshu Nigam, Internet security expert. “Instead of casing the neighborhood, they’re casing the online neighborhood.”
Just like you lock the doors to your home, secure your social networking profiles also. Not everyone on your list of friends needs to know you’re going out of town – and that your home will be empty for days.
If you’re searching for online deals on sites like Twitter and Facebook, be wary of clicking on links. Even if forwarded by a friend, take a second look. It could appear to be the deal of the season, but scammers can create pages that look just like the real thing – and you won’t get what you bargained for.
Also if you plan to give to charities this holiday season, beware of anyone who asks for money on social media sites. Most reputable charities do not solicit donations online or over the phone.
Read more here.